ASHTON CIGAR BAR, PHILADELPHIA, PA - As the urban seat of the Ashton Cigar Company, the Cigar Bar articulates a culture consistent with the company itself. It is open, contemporary, youthful and focused in all aspects on the experience and quality of the “smokes.” Material finishes have been selected which evoke the culture of the cigar – rich woods, leathers, stone, metal and glass. The bar is the center piece of the design, inviting those who enter to try one of the more than 150 high quality liquors and beers on tab. Around the perimeter, emphasis has been placed on the comfort of the furniture for the individual enjoying his or her cigar as well as for social interaction, an important part of connoisseurship. At the rear of the space, a glass enclosed humidor brightly displays the Ashton cornucopia, a diverse range of tobacco blends and cigar types which fulfills the most discriminating cigar aficionado’s expectations. A sophisticated air ventilation system filters the smoke and introduces large quantities of fresh outside air without sacrificing the energy present in the conditioned air which is ejected.